How to lose money by saving money or How to save money outright

Some years ago I was the IT director for a relatively large company, something like 1000 employees. I inherited an absolute mess. The chief operating principle had been “spend money as an absolutely last resort” for at least 15 years prior. As a result the entire infrastructure was in shambles. […]

Quick tip – Whiteboard

Whiteboards If you have a lot of machines and lot of projects you probably have a lot of measurements and small notes it would be helpful to keep track of. To solve this problem I’ve put small whiteboards for notes at each machine station. I gave my approach to […]

DIY – Lets Hack a Bandsaw – Part 2

Alright, it’s time to properly implement the Bandsaw controls. The VFD has a number of handy options which are a product of 3 phase power. That means we can futz with the electrical phase frequency in order to use this as an AC electric motor speed controller. First we’re going […]