
Lets discuss Corporate Culture. Hopefully you read that the same way Billy Madison reads Business Ethics. The latest buzz word (concept?) amongst all the pseudo-entrepreneurs out there. Corporate culture is a plague and is adding nothing to your business except extreme distress for many of your employees. Lets dissect the […]


Lets do a quick test. Everyone who thinks turnover in your business is good raise your hand. SMH. Yeah see I shouldn’t have seen any hands. Just to clarify we’re talking about turnover in the sense of employees exiting and entering your company. Once again, show of hands, who thinks […]

BL Touch Knockoff Review

I’ll be honest, this one is on me. If I was paying closer attention I never would have bought a knock off BL Touch 3D printer bed probe. That said, I wasn’t paying attention and I found myself the proud owner of a knockoff BL Touch that cost about the […]

3D Printer Upgrades – Part 3

Well the upgrades are done and the printer is working exceptionally well. As you can see, a lot has changed. This was a ridiculous process and took all of my free time for 3 weeks straight. BL Touch As you can see there’s a BL Touch on my carriage now. […]

3D Printer Upgrades – Part 2

Wow, that went poorly. And maybe still isn’t going great. The first big problem was plastic seep. The crappy cheap heat break I used was not machined flat properly on the end that is supposed to mate with the nozzle, pretty sure it wasn’t the Bondtech CHT nozzle. Of course […]

3D Printer Upgrades

I was working on the dust collector system when my main 3D printer started printing what could safely be called trash. After some poking around I discovered the extruder filament pinch wheel gears were missing the majority of their teeth. You can see the stripped teeth right behind the nylon […]