
Lets discuss Corporate Culture. Hopefully you read that the same way Billy Madison reads Business Ethics. The latest buzz word (concept?) amongst all the pseudo-entrepreneurs out there. Corporate culture is a plague and is adding nothing to your business except extreme distress for many of your employees. Lets dissect the […]


Lets do a quick test. Everyone who thinks turnover in your business is good raise your hand. SMH. Yeah see I shouldn’t have seen any hands. Just to clarify we’re talking about turnover in the sense of employees exiting and entering your company. Once again, show of hands, who thinks […]

How to lose money by saving money or How to save money outright

Some years ago I was the IT director for a relatively large company, something like 1000 employees. I inherited an absolute mess. The chief operating principle had been “spend money as an absolutely last resort” for at least 15 years prior. As a result the entire infrastructure was in shambles. […]

The Most Dangerous Person in Your Organization

Who do you think is the most dangerous person in your organization? Think it’s the CEO? They set the direction and make the decisions right? Nope not them, they always have a bunch of people looking over their shoulder and occasionally vested interest in the company’s success. How about the […]