BL Touch Knockoff Review

I’ll be honest, this one is on me. If I was paying closer attention I never would have bought a knock off BL Touch 3D printer bed probe. That said, I wasn’t paying attention and I found myself the proud owner of a knockoff BL Touch that cost about the […]

3D Printer Upgrades – Part 3

Well the upgrades are done and the printer is working exceptionally well. As you can see, a lot has changed. This was a ridiculous process and took all of my free time for 3 weeks straight. BL Touch As you can see there’s a BL Touch on my carriage now. […]

3D Printer Upgrades – Part 2

Wow, that went poorly. And maybe still isn’t going great. The first big problem was plastic seep. The crappy cheap heat break I used was not machined flat properly on the end that is supposed to mate with the nozzle, pretty sure it wasn’t the Bondtech CHT nozzle. Of course […]

3D Printer Upgrades

I was working on the dust collector system when my main 3D printer started printing what could safely be called trash. After some poking around I discovered the extruder filament pinch wheel gears were missing the majority of their teeth. You can see the stripped teeth right behind the nylon […]

DIY – Lets Build a 3D Printer – Pt. 1

I am a big fan of 3D printing as you can see above. I’ve been involved with 3D printing for something like 14 or 15 years. You can see my RepRap Mendel in the pic next to an lightly modified Tevo Tornado. Of course the RepRap has modern electronics, ramps […]

DIY – Lets build a TIG welder – Quickie

I need a TIG welder. If you’re familiar with welding but not so much TIG welding think of it as a more civilized weapon from a more civilized age. All the sparks and slag and violence from MIG and stick are all but gone. This feels more like soldering. One […]

DIY – Smart Woodshop Saw Dust Collector 1

Alright time for another concurrent project. This time we’re going to build a dust collection system for the wood shop. If you follow my projects you may not be aware there is a wood shop. I don’t know that I’ve mentioned it yet but you might have noticed some pieces […]

DIY – Lets Hack a Bandsaw – Part 2

Alright, it’s time to properly implement the Bandsaw controls. The VFD has a number of handy options which are a product of 3 phase power. That means we can futz with the electrical phase frequency in order to use this as an AC electric motor speed controller. First we’re going […]

DIY – Lets Hack a Bandsaw

So I have one of those tiny bandsaws you can get at Menards (or home depot or lowes probably) and truthfully I’ve been impressed with it overall. Wood is no sweat, aluminum is ok however steel is out of the question. It just runs too fast, I’ve ruined a couple […]